Non-invasive Ultrasonic Level Measurement for Hydrochloric Acid Tanks.

Release date:2025年01月17日 Article author:SKE Reading quantity:46

SKE Ultrasonic non-invasive level gauge for Hydrochloric acid bulk tank level measurement.
SKE's ultrasonic non-invasieve level gauges provide maximum compatibility with more aggressive liquids and chemicals. Examples of chemicals that we can help you 
monitor in your tanks include but are not limited to: Sulphuric Acid, Bleach, Hydrochloric Acid, Acetone, Chlorine, Caustics, and more.
Our chemical tank level gauges detect the liquid level of the chemicals being stored in your tank. And the ultrasonic non-invasieve level gauges help with both
efficiency and safety for your needs, as well as come with a variety of accessories.
A case is one of our distributor of pool surface cleaning chemicals needed reliable level measurement of their hydrochloric acid storage tank, they turned to SKE.
The firm packages and delivers HCL in one gallon containers to pool supply stores and contractors throughout the state. 
The HCL is then further diluted and applied to cement, aggregate or stone finishes as an etchant. 
Based on demand, they require a bulk delivery 1-2 times per month, and reliable level measurement is critical. 
Plant operators were dissatisfied with a different level sensor brand, whose corrosion based failures had repeatedly caused production downtime. 
For this reason, SKE suggested our corrosion-resistant and encapsulated non-contact ultrasonic level sensors. 
Our ultrasonic non-invasive level sensor provides reliable level data to the controller, which displays the inventory and alarms for replenishment and overfill. 
Acrosss the industry, SKE can provide safe and reliable level measurement with our anti-corrosive liquid level transmitter for Hydrochloric Acid Tanks.